Today's batch make for Christmas feels like a cheat as it took no time at all and what's best is I forgot I even had the cards and watercolour paper, we've had a little leak in our office and well having to sort through and move everything meant I found a few treasures like these cards and paper.
Now I have called the cards A6 but they are a little wider and shorter so in reality they are a shortie A6 but what's a few mm between friends right?
And as I was cutting down an A4 piece of watercolour paper I made a nice round 12 cards, I will say my watercolour paper was a little thin so crinkled when it onto my cards, but I quickly solved that by popping them under something heavy to flatten out.
To make 12 of these cards you will need the following card/paper:
12 x A6 (ish) Kraft card base cards
3 x A4 Sheets of watercolour card/paper
And I've used the following stamp set
And now it's time for the Step by Step, I will admit these were super quick an easy to create but I did have to dry between each colour as my watercolour paper was a bit delicate.....

As always don't forget you can download and print these steps by steps by right clicking and selecting "Save Image As".
Happy batch making, Kym x